Jurnee 2 Integrative Living

As a certified Health and Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer, JBlairSuccess has a passion for helping men and women discover the best version of themselves through a healthy lifestyle. Over the last several years, she has worked with friends, family, and clients to develop the simple yet helpful routines to discover a new level way of living. Incorporating nutrition, exercise, stress management, and more, she and her team of coaches and trainers use a well- rounded model of wellness tailored to each client that allows them to discover the best version of themselves without feeling too restricted.

A "Plants First" Model

At Jurnee 2 Integrative Living, we believe in plants first as a foundation to wellness. We help our clients eat more vegetables, fruits, and grains in a simple yet easy way they can enjoy.

Positive Relationship with Exercise

We believe that in you love the exercises you do, you'll do them more often. Our goal is to guide every client no matter their fitness ability into a relationship with exercise they enjoy and can maintain for long-term wellness.

Caring for the Whole Person

While nutrition and exercise are major pillars to wellness, they do not tell the complete story. We take our model a step further and incorporate other pillars such as sleep, stress management into our coaching to ensure our clients are healthy and whole in every area of their lives.

Jurnee 2 Integrative Living